Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Art in public places in Puerto Rico
Since I have lived in Puerto Rico (25 years) I have seen an increase in art on the island. Many towns have invested in the beautification of their plazas and roads by installing works of art done by local artists.  Good for the politicians!
My question is – why aren’t doctors, lawyers and other offices that deal with the public doing the same thing? Those that can, should support the local artists and also take pride in their clients by improving the surroundings. Nice to have comfortable chairs, a coffee table, nice lamps but what about the walls? Who cares about the sofa?

It doesn’t have to be expensive. There are reproductions, serigraphs and even reasonably priced originals. Where better place to show off art than a public office?  What a great opportunity to have a gallery for art?


    El dinero , no necesariamente esta acompanado de poseer buen gusto o cultura.Pagar por mercancias y objetos de objetable valor, es aun costumbre entre muchos de nuestros profesionales.Tal vez deberian tomar cursos de apreciacion de las artes .Comprarian mejor y nuestros artistas comerian mejor. Todos ganariamos.

  2. Hiram Rosado wrote:

    Money is not necessarily accompanied by good taste or culture. Paying for objects of dubious taste is unfortunately common even among professionals. Perhaps they should take a course in art appreciation, They would buy better art and our good artists would eat better! Its a win-win situation...
